Research LDAP Properties for the User Object

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LDAP Attributes. Properties Active Directory Users Computers Distinguished name

Research LDAP Properties for the User Object

This page explains the common LDAP attributes which are used in VBS scripts and PowerShell.  Programs like VBScript (WSH), CSVDE and LDIFDE rely on these LDAP attributes to create or modify objects in Active Directory.  For example, when you bulk import users you will include the LDAP attributes: dn and sAMAccountName.

  • LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.

Hall of Fame LDAP Attribute - DN  Distinguished Name

As the word ‘distinguished’ suggests, this is THE LDAP attribute that uniquely defines an object.  Each DN must have a different name and location from all other objects in Active Directory.  The other side of the coin is that DN provides a way of selecting any object in Active Directory.  Once you have selected the object, then you can change its attributes.

Time spent in getting to know the DN attribute will repay many fold.  Observe the different components CN=common name, OU = organizational unit.  DC often comes with two entries, DC=CP, DC=COM.  Note that DC=CP.COM would be wrong.  Incidentally in this situation, DC means domain content rather than domain controller.

Another point with the syntax is to check the speech marks; when used with VBScript commands, DN is often enclosed in “speech marks”.  Even the speech marks have to be of the right type, “double quotes are correct”, ‘single quotes may be ignored’, with unpredictable results.  Finally, pay particular attention to commas in distinguished names.

LDAP Attributes from Active Directory Users and Computers

The diagram below is taken from Active Directory Users and Computers. It shows the commonest LDAP attributes for vbs scripts.

When you write your scripts, check how the LDAP attributes map to the Active Directory boxes.

Research Tip:
One of my favourite techniques is to add values in the active directory property boxes, then export using CSVDE.  Next, open the .csv file in Excel, search for the value, and read the LDAP field name from row 1.

LDAP Attribute Example
C Country: e.g GB for Great Britain.
CN - Common Name CN=Guy Thomas.  Actually, this LDAP attribute can be made up from givenName joined to SN.
CN Maps to ‘Name’ in the LDAP provider. Remember CN is a mandatory property.  See also sAMAccountName.
description What you see in Active Directory Users and Computers.  Not to be confused with displayName on the Users property sheet.
displayName displayName = Guy Thomas.  If you script this property, be sure you understand which field you are configuring.  DisplayName can be confused with CN or description.

Display name -v- Description

Important LDAP Notes

Di_s_play name and _D_escription are different

Offi_c_e’s LDAP attribute is:


E-_m_ail is plain: mail

LDAP Attribute Example
DN - also distinguishedName DN is simply the most important LDAP attribute. CN=Jay Jamieson, OU= Newport,DC=cp,DC=com
givenName Firstname also called Christian name
homeDrive Home Folder : connect.  Tricky to configure
initials Useful in some cultures.
name name = Guy Thomas.  Exactly the same as CN.
objectCategory Defines the Active Directory Schema category. For example, objectCategory = Person
objectClass objectClass = User.  Also used for Computer, organizationalUnit, even container.  Important top level container.
physicalDeliveryOfficeName Office! on the user’s General property sheet
postOfficeBox P.O. box.
profilePath Roaming profile path: connect.  Trick to set up
sAMAccountName This is a mandatory property, sAMAccountName = guyt.  The old NT 4.0 logon name, must be unique in the domain. 
sAMAccountName If you are using an LDAP provider ‘Name’ automatically maps to sAMAcountName and CN. The default value is same as CN, but can be given a different value.
SN SN = Thomas. This would be referred to as last name or surname.
title Job title.  For example Manager.
userAccountControl Used to disable an account.  A value of 514 disables the account, while 512 makes the account ready for logon.
userPrincipalName userPrincipalName =  Often abbreviated to UPN, and looks like an email address.  Very useful for logging on especially in a large Forest.  Note UPN must be unique in the forest.
wWWHomePage User’s home page.

Examples of Exchange Specific LDAP attributes

LDAP Attribute Example
homeMDB  Here is where you set the MailStore
legacyExchangeDN Legacy distinguished name for creating Contacts. In the following example, Guy Thomas is a Contact in the first administrative group of GUYDOMAIN: /o=GUYDOMAIN/ou=first administrative group/cn=Recipients/cn=Guy Thomas
mail An easy, but important attribute.  A simple SMTP address is all that is required
mAPIRecipient - FALSE Indicates that a contact is not a domain user.
mailNickname Normally this is the same value as the sAMAccountName, but could be different if you wished.  Needed for mail enabled contacts.
mDBUseDefaults Another straightforward field, just the value to:True
msExchHomeServerName Exchange needs to know which server to deliver the mail.  Example: /o=YourOrg/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=MailSrv
proxyAddresses As the name ‘proxy’ suggests, it is possible for one recipient to have more than one email address.  Note the plural spelling of proxyAddresses.
 targetAddress SMTP:@ e-mail address.  Note that SMTP is case sensitive.  All capitals means the default address.
 showInAddressBook Displays the contact in the Global Address List.

Other Useful LDAP Attributes / Propeties

LDAP Attribute Example
c Country or Region
company Company or organization name
department Useful category to fill in and use for filtering
homephone Home Phone number, (Lots more phone LDAPs)
l  (Lower case L) L = Location.  City ( Maybe Office
location Important, particularly for printers and computers.
manager Boss, manager
mobile Mobile Phone number
ObjectClass Usually, User, or Computer
OU Organizational unit.  See also DN
pwdLastSet Force users to change their passwords at next logon
postalCode Zip or post code
st State, Province or County
streetAddress First line of address
telephoneNumber Office Phone
userAccountControl Enable (512) / disable account (514)

Examples of Obscure LDAP Attributes

LDAP Attribute Example
uSNCreated, uSNChanged

To discover more LDAP attributes, go to the command prompt, type:

CSVDE -f Exportfile.csv

Then open Exportfile.csv with Excel.exe.   Alternatively, use ADSI Edit and right-click the container objects.
