How to check if IP is in IP range
I work on writing services, the client validation contains IP checking. But the customer uses cluster base framework to invoke our services, there are multiple clients with different IPs obviously. Fi
I work on writing services, the client validation contains IP checking. But the customer uses cluster base framework to invoke our services, there are multiple clients with different IPs obviously. Fi
1). Hibernate second level cache问题 17:02:43,041 ERROR [] (ServerService Thread Pool – 61) MSC000001: Failed to start service
原文 产生SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target的原因是要以SSL方式连接目标,而目标的证书是自签名的,所以会导致这个问题。 通常异常如下:
克隆Netty源码 $ git clone Build dev-tools 12$ cd dev-tools$ mvn clean install Note: 此步骤必须,因为build整个项目需要使用dev-tools。感觉netty的build顺序不合理,应该自动build dev-tools。 3. Build整个项目 12$
原文 netstat: 展示网络连接,路由表,网络接口数据。 fuser: 标识占用文件或端口的进程。 lsof: 展示被打开的文件以及占用文件的进程。 /proc/$pid/: Note: 普通用户只能查询到当前用户运行的进程,建议以root用户执行。 netstat $ netstat -tulpn 部分结果: 1234567891011bejond@bejond-HP:~$ netst
mybatis连接数据库查询报 18:07:25,819 ERROR [stderr] (default task-40) org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.PersistenceException: 18:07:25,819 ERROR [stderr] (default task-40) ### Error querying database. Cause: ja